New hands-on journal club on open & reproducible data science
Hi everyone,
The methods & data facility of the Foundation Campus Biotech Geneva (FCBG) is starting a new hands-on journal club on open & reproducible data science, with applications to neuroimaging.
A journal club to discover open software packages and methods either for general data science or its applications to neuroimaging (for PhD students, this counts as other journal clubs for their ECTS credits)
Hopefully you ! As a journal club we count on volunteers to present software / tool / method of their choice, may it be already well known or/and specific to their lab. The subject could be general data science or neuroimaging.
You only need to bring your laptop. All demonstrations by the speaker are aimed to be through an interactive Jupyter computational notebook on Github that participants will interact with.
Neither the participant nor the speaker need to know any GitHub or Jupyter ! We will help speakers “package” their presentation, and participants only need an internet browser and no other knowledge.
Monthly or bi-monthly depending on interest and the availability you indicate us in the form below.
Please sign up here !