A scientific incubator as a platform for creative projects
Campus Biotech and Flux Laboratory initiate a collaboration in order to instigate a dialog between their communities of artists and scientists through an artist residency programme to be hosted at Campus Biotech. Selected artists will be linked to specific laboratories and scientists in accordance with their field of research and their mutual interests.
The partnership offers time, extraordinary surroundings and personalised introductions between artists and scientists in order to make the way they apprehend their respective practices evolve, and to mutually learn from, influence and inspire each other. All the ideas, reflection leads and creations stemming from this shared experience will have in common to be the fruit of a unifying collaboration between two fields very far away in our collective imaginary but that many elements unite. The partnership will therefore strive to highlight not only what distinguishes scientific from artistic research, but also what both have in common.
In April, the first residency will welcome Sophie le Meillour and Fabrice Starzinskas, founders of Télomères Studio, to develop their project Mitochondrion in collaboration with the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences. Mitochondrion is a mobile and modular space, cozy and mysterious, whose emphathic visual behaviour will react live to the presence of visitors. This project strives to explore a hybrid environment, a multi-sensorial space where artistic discourse, technology and science can get away from their strict disciplinary contexts and codes, in order to evolve in a unique system, prompting a shift in our way of looking at fields and bringing together elements which are too often disconnected.