Camille Piguet
Camille Piguet completed her medical studies and doctorate in neurosciences at the University of Geneva between 2001 and 2012. She specialized in research using functional neuroimaging and cognitive neuroscience approaches to study mood disorders and emotional dysregulation. Since 2012, she has been working in parallel in clinical psychiatry, following her training for the FMH of adult psychiatry, and in research, studying in particular the cerebral networks of stress response as a marker of vulnerability of emotional regulation disorders.
After a postdoc at the Neurospin Center in Paris, she has now a clinician-scientist position, working 50% at the adolescent crisis unit of the child and adolescent psychiatry clinical services at Geneva University Hospital, and 50% for her research projects at the Psychiatry Department, UNIGE. She is developing a research axis on mental health prevention in young people, particularly in relation to emotion regulation, anxiety and stress reactivity, in collaboration with the NCCR Synapsy and the Leenaards Foundation.