Exposition "In Between"
UNIGE Exhibition Hall, 66 Bd Carl-Vogt
Musée d'ethnographie de Genève, 67 Bd Carl-Vogt
In Between is an artistic proposal by Julie Semoroz, the fruit of two years' research at the Centre interfacultaire en sciences affectives (CISA-UNIGE) and the Pôle de recherche national Evolving Language. At the crossroads of artistic approach and scientific research, the artist bases her reflections on the latest scientific work in biology, neuroscience, philosophy and the social sciences, in fields as diverse as emotional and animal vocalizations, interoception, neuronal synchronization, interspecies communication and resonance.
An exhibition punctuated by performances, workshops and concerts.
November 9-26, 2023
UNIGE Exhibition Hall, Bd Carl Vogt 66, Geneva
Monday to Friday, noon to 2 pm and 4 pm to 7 pm
Saturday-Sunday, 2pm-6pm
Free admission
SEU - UNIGE Exhibition Hall, 66 bd Carl-Vogt
MEG - Musée d'ethnographie de Genève, 67 bd Carl-Vogt
November 09 - opening of In Between, SEU
November 11 - concerts + talk with Julie Semoroz and l'ensemble Contrechamps, MEG
November 17 - performance Interspecies communication, MEG garden
November 18 - performance Interspecies communication, MEG garden
November 19 - workshops Body Resonant, SEU
November 24 - performance In Between, SEU
November 25 - performance In Between, SEU
November 26 - performance In Between, SEU
Special Guest: Michael Corday, anthropologist and photographer