#TecToday New medical technologies: from healing to enhancement?
Campus Biotech
The Swiss Academy of Engineering SciencesAdvances in medical technology regularly make the headlines in the media. Where are we really at today in terms of research? What are the applications for patients? And in the longer term, what ethical issues are emerging at the frontier between care and the improvement of human capacities?
The Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) invites you for an update on the subject at this new "TecToday" conference aimed at the general public. Neural implants, neuroprosthetics, gene therapies: our experts from the best research laboratories in French-speaking Switzerland and healthcare providers in contact with patients will share with you their most up-to-date knowledge in the field. The round table will provide an opportunity to put these technological advances into perspective.
• Quentin Barraud, Scientific coordinator and Lab Manager, EPFL Neuroprosthesis Centre
• Alain Woodtli, Advanced Technology Program Manager, Wyss Center
• Samia Hurst, Full Professor, Director of the Ethics Institute of History and Humanities at the University of Geneva and Head of the Clinical Ethics Unit at the CHUV
• Christian Lovis, Professor of Clinical Informatics at the University of Geneva and chairman of the Division of Medical Information Sciences (SIMED) at the University Hospitals of Geneva
• Benoît Dubuis, Director of the Fondation Campus Biotech Genève and member of the SATW
• Fabrice Delaye, Bilan
The event will be held in French.