Neuroscience Masters’ Day
The Geneva University Neurocenter is pleased to announce the fourth Neuroscience Masters’ Day.
This event aims at providing to each Master student in Neuroscience at UNIGE a feedback about his/her research work and at offering him/her a training to different scientific communication abilities (poster, talk, team work).
This year a workshop titled “Build your research project” is also organized. Students will work in subgroups on a review, raise a scientific question from this review and build an experimental protocol to investigate this question, under the supervision of advanced researchers. Each group will present its work (open to everyone). Drinks and snacks will be served throughout the event. The event will be ended by the awarding of the best talk, the best research project presentation, the best tutor and the best student of the year.
We are looking forward to seeing you and wish you to enjoy this event!
14:00-15:00 Talks (4 talks – 10 minutes + 5 minutes questions)
15:00 Opening of the buffet
15:00-15:45 Poster session 1 (odd numbers)
15:45-16:45 Research groups presentations for Master 1
16:45-17:30 Poster session 2 (even numbers) - entrance hall
17:30 Prizes