Smart Health : Digital solutions on test bench
Both at Campus Biotech and virtually
InartisThis 5th edition of our smart health conference explores two years of pandemic that have put our digital infrastructure to the test.
About this event
Smart Health'21 is co-organized by the Inartis Foundation & HPE for and with the Health Valley ambassadors community.
8h45-09h00 Welcome by the Inartis Foundation & HPE
Inspiring video
09h00-09h55 Prevention: What it needs to be an efficient tool ? Tracing apps :What did we learn?
Antoine Flahault, Director, Global Health Institute, UNIGE, Campus Biotech
Dr. Sergio Carmona, CEO & Chief Medical Officer FIND, the global alliance for diagnostics, Campus Biotech
Philippe Girard, Deputy Executive Director Swissmedic
Salvatore Cincotti, CEO Genegis SA
Florian Cova – CISA, UNIGE – Moderator
10h00-10h25 Improving Diagnosis & leveraging data ouputs
Dr. Sergio Carmona, CEO & Chief Medical Officer FIND, Campus Biotech
Pascal Koenig, co-founder and CEO – Ava
Rich Bird, HPE, Worldwide, Healthcare and Life Sciences Lead
Stéphane Duguin, CEO CyberPeace Institute, Campus Biotech
10h30-10h55 Electronic Health Record: a never ending dream?
Christian Lovis, Chairman, Medical Information Sciences, University Hospitals of Geneva
Piret Hirv, Head of Health Technology Division, Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol, Estonia
11h00-10h25 Leveraging the digital opportunities: How?
Marcel Salathé, Head of the Digital Epidemiology Lab – Campus Biotech
Philomena Colatrella, CEO CSS Insurance
Olivier Michielin, MD-PhD Departement of oncology UNIL CHUV
Nikos Paragios, cofondateur et CEO de TheraPanacea
Dr. Alex Madama, HPE, Healthcare and Life Sciences Chief Technologist
11h25-11h45 What’s next?
Dr. Goh, IT Guru & senior vice president and chief technology officer for artificial intelligence at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Singapore
Digital Health Manifesto