Lieu / Hôte

Virtual event

NCCR Evolving Language

The next NCCR-Evolving Language Seminar will take place on Tuesday, February 23rd exceptionally at 4 pm. 
Docteur Irene Pepperberg, from the Departement of Psychology at Harvard University, will give the talk "Evolving Language: A View from the Wings".

This seminar is part of the B&C cognition seminar offered every Tuesday in Geneva (Campus Biotech) and will be hosted by the NCCR Evolving Language. In this frame, the seminar will be followed by a virtual coffee-meeting with the speaker from 17:15 to 17:45 pm to give the opportunity to interested participants to discuss with Dr Pepperberg in a more informal way. 

General schedule:
16:00-16:45 : Irene Pepperberg's talk
16:45-17:00 : Q&A
17:00-17:15 : break
17:15-17:45 : virtual coffee (informal discussion on a voluntary basis, especially for the junior staff)

To join the talk: 
Meeting ID: 955 2061 9694
Passcode: 991960
