Language and communication - Issues and societal impacts
We are pleased to invite you to the closing conference of the Language and Communication Network, which will be held on September 3 and 4 at Campus Biotech:
This conference will be an opportunity to present the latest developments and results of a multi-faceted initiative launched in 2013, that aims to federate and promote the work of various disciplines in the field of language sciences.
The conference will feature talks from L&C directors about the achievements of the network, as well as talks from our six invited speakers, chosen amongst the most representative members of their fields:
- Dan Sperber, Jean Nicod Institute Paris, CEU Budapest
- Simona Pekarek Doehler, University of Neuchâtel
- Philippe Ravaud, Université Paris Descartes & Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York
- Marie-Christine Jaulent, INSERM Paris
- Judit Gervain, INCC, CNRS & University of Paris Descartes
- Hagit Borer, Queen Mary University London
You will find further information (complete program, access conditions) on the Language and Communication Network website.
Please confirm your participation by sending an e-mail to David Blunier by Friday, August 30.