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Campus Biotech room next to Tim-Out cafe

Invitation to join us for the I-teams final presentations and lunch on Monday the 20th of June.

Join us to discover the 7th round i-teams winning teams and chat with the attendees about their experiences in the program! Also, get more information about the next edition, the 8th, of i-team.

See you at the Campus Biotech room next to Tim-Out cafe! 

Please register at!


12h00 till 13h00 :

Welcome & Introduction - Short introduction of jury members and the two projects.
Presentations of the t
wo nominees :
      1 - LaxiPed - A diagnostic tool enabling personalized forefoot healthcare.
      2 – BRAINALYSIS - EEG data analytics and research consulting.
Jury Voting and Awards


13h00 till 13h30 :
Standing Lunch & Launch of the 8th edition i-teams.
