Laboratoire de Cartographie des Fonctions Cérébrales
The team

Our principal research interest is the organization and the dynamics of the large-scale neuronal networks of the human brain that characterize mental functions, and the understanding of disturbances of these networks in patients with brain dysfunctions. Electromagnetic imaging based on high-resolution EEG is our principal instrument to study these questions. Our group is working on the development of spatio-temporal signal analysis techniques that allow to characterize neuronal electric activity in time and space. By integrating these data into realistic head models based on the anatomical MRI, information flow within the individual brain can be visualized. In order to enhance spatial resolution, other functional imaging techniques, in particular functional MRI are included. Besides the combination of electromagnetic and haemodynamic brain imaging techniques, our research projects also integrate direct intracranial recordings in epileptic patients, neuropsychology and lesion studies as well as transcranial magnetic stimulation. We consider this multidisciplinary approach as essential for understanding the brain mechanisms underlying human mind and the disturbances and repair possibilities of these mechanisms. Our main cognitive neuroscience research areas are: visual and auditory perception, visuo-motor integration, multisensory interaction, language, memory and emotion. The major clinical application is the localization of epileptic activity in partial epilepsy.