Anne-Lise Giraud
Professor of the Department of basic neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Anne-Lise Giraud obtained a doctorate in neuroscience at the University of Lyon in 1997.
She obtained her first post-doctorate in London, then a second in Frankfurt. Thanks to subsidies from the German Ministry of Research, she founded in 2001 her own research group at the Brain Imaging Center Frankfurt. In 2004, she obtained a research fellow position at the CNRS (France). She founded in Paris with two colleagues from Inserm Laboratory Cognitive Neuroscience. Anne-Lise Giraud contributes to the creation of the Master of Cognitive Science of the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Paris and is involved in training in neuropsychology at the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris. She became Director of Research in 2007 and in 2010 was awarded by the CNRS and winner of a European Research Council (ERC). She joined the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva in 2012 where she continued her research on neurocomputationnels principles at work in the perception and production of speech. She was appointed full professor in the Department of basic neuroscience in October 2013.
Since 2020, she is co-director of the National Centre of Competence in Research Evolving Language.